After filing a bankruptcy case, the court sends out a notice containing the date and time for a 341 Hearing. The 341 hearing is also referred to as a Meeting of Creditors. A small group of people is scheduled for the same day and time.
After the debtor’s case is called, the debtor is sworn to tell the truth and the bankruptcy trustee reviews the debtor’s social security card and driver’s license.
Most of the trustees in the Eastern District of Michigan start with some verification questions. They want to verify that that all of the debtor’s creditors and assets were listed in the bankruptcy schedules. Then the trustee may ask specific questions about the bankruptcy petition and schedules that were filed with the court. In most cases, creditors do not attend the meeting. However, if a creditor does attend, the creditor will also have the opportunity to ask questions. Most debtors are surprised by how little time they spend at their meeting.